Raw hazelnut brownie


About the Raw hazelnut brownie

No bake brownie met rauwe cacao, hazelnoot, dadel en cashew. Opgetopped met een choco ganache.

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Extra info

This is a seasonal exclusive and will not always be here. Eating clams is something we find valuable to have in our diet at times and in our North Sea waters we have a beautiful array of them. Clams contain lots of vitamin b12, are great for collagen synthesis, provide iron, are loaded with protein and an excellent source of choline. Of course, whether your body type is suitable for eating clams is different per person, so we always advise to do your own research. Your clams are sourced by Seabass the Urban Fisher in Eindhoven and we only provide what has been caught sustainable. Be surprised with the catch! Served with a nourishing creamy saffron broth. Salty fingers from the farm. Some vine tomatoes and kohlrabi noodles from Boer Henk. It is a nourishing and surprising meal when you feel like having something special.


  • creamy saffron broth
  • seasonal clams 500gr
  • kohlrabi noodles
  • grilled garlic, caprons
  • fresh herbs, samphire
  • chilli, lemon


  • linseeds crackers
  • flora-plant
  • aquaponic salad

Nutrional value

A portion of the North Sea clams contains:

  • Kcal 576
  • Protein 35,7
  • Carbs 34,8
  • Fats 33,9

High in vitamin B12 and Iron.

Allergies: crustaceans, celery, garlic.


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